Hey there! I'm FallCat, the webmaster of Bonics! I'm your neighborly neighborhood trans-man, here to kick ass (maybe even sprinkle in a bit of ass-kissing?!?! Who knows what you're gonna get!?!)

I birthed Bonics into the digital realm on March 22, 2023, crafting it as both a place where I can rant endlessly about my hobbies, as well just making a haven away from the corporate web. It's my little digital sanctuary where I unleash a torrent of creativity, featuring everything from my artworks, resources championing veganism, and small glimpses into the rollercoaster that is my life.

Currently, I am a college student Majoring in Nutrition and Health Sciences. That's right y'all, future billionaire dietician in the making!! It's my goal to revolitionize the way we approach well-being as it relates to food.

I'm unapologetically vegan, and I firmly believe in the power of mindful consumerism, recognizing the impact our choices have on the world. It's not just about what's on our plate, but rather who is on our plate. I advocate for the autonomy and rights of every being, animal or human, fostering a world where compassion and sustainability go hand in hand.

Beyond the books and veggies, you'll see me dabbling around in a variety of different art projects. From goofy little doodles to experimental digital creations like this, my brain is absolutely about to explode. That's what happens when you stay up past your bedtime, kid!!